Scrum Events Cheat Sheet

The Sprint

A time-boxed period that lasts two to four weeks during which a specific amount of work is completed to achieve the Sprint Goal. Sprints are a fundamental part of Scrum, achieving a concrete towards the Product Goal with each sprint.

The Sprint includes 4 Scrum Events – Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review and the Sprint Retrospective.

Participants – the Scrum Team
Duration – up to 4 weeks
Result – Sprint Goal

Sprint Planning

A collaborative meeting where the Scrum team comes together to plan the work that will be performed and determines the Sprint Goal.

Topics discussed

  1. What can be delivered in the sprint?
  2. How the work will be accomplished?
Participants – the Scrum Team
Duration – up to 4 hours (for a 2 week spring)
Result – Sprint Backlog

Daily Scrum

A short and daily event to facilitate communication, coordination, and collaboration among team members. It’s a key practice to keep the development team on track and ensure that everyone is working towards the sprint goal.

Participants – Developers (PO and SM are optional)
Duration – 15 minutes or less
Result – Sprint Backlog adjustments

Sprint Review

A key event held at the end of each sprint to showcase the increments with key stakeholders and an important step in obtaining feedback and ensuring that the product increment aligns with stakeholder expectations.

Participants – the Scrum Team and key stakeholders
Duration – up to 2 hours (for a 2 week spring)
Result – Product Backlog adjustments

Sprint Retrospective

A key event held at the end of each sprint where the Scrum team reflects on the past sprint and identify ways to improve their processes, collaboration, and overall effectiveness.

Topics Discussed

  1. What went well during the sprint?
  2. What could be improved?
  3. What actions will we take to make improvements in the next sprint?
Participants – the Scrum Team
Duration – 1 1/2 hr or less
Result – Sprint Backlog adjustments

Scrum Events Test Questions

Which 3 of the following are time boxed Scrum events?
A. Sprint Review
B. Sprint Refinement
C. Sprint Planning
D. Daily Scrum

The correct answer is A, C and D.

There is no Scrum Event named Sprint Refinement.

In the Daily Scrum, the Development Team plans the work for the next 24 hours.
A. True
B. False

The answer is A.

It’s true that in the Daily Scrum, Development Team plans for the next 24 hours.

What pre-conditions must be fulfilled in order to allow Sprint Planning to begin?
A. fully refined Product Backlog
. cormal budget approval to conduct another Sprint
. a clear and non-negotiable Sprint Goal
. a clear but negotiable business objective for the Sprint
. enough “Ready” Product Backlog to fill the Sprint
. There are no such pre-conditions

The correct answer is F. READ MORE…

There are no such pre-conditions. Sprint Planning serves to plan the work to be performed in the Sprint. This plan is created by the collaborative work of the entire Scrum Team Sprint Planning is time-boxed to a maximum of eight hours for a one-month Sprint. What can be achieved in this time-box may be influenced by additional practices that are however not prescribed by Scrum.

The Sprint Review is considered as a “formal meeting”.
A. False
B. True

The correct answer is A.

The Sprint Review is NOT considered as a “formal meeting”. Be careful with the word “formal”. uses the word “formal” in two different ways:
1. “Formal opportunities” for inspecting and adapting – this means a serious opportunity -> all Scrum Events are formal opportunity for inspecting and adapting.
2. A “formal meeting” – a meeting where people approve something and exchange signatures -> no Scrum Event is a formal meeting.

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